Cumulative Plot | Vose Software

Cumulative Plot

Cumulative ascending and descending plots can be created from the Results Viewer Insert ribbon by clicking one of these icons:


The following is an example of a simple cumulative descending plot:

  • Single variable: overlay mode is off (so radio buttons allow selection of only one variable)

  • Sliders switched on (the sliders can be dragged up and down from the 10%, 90% positions to new positions, or left and right to new value positions)

  • Default title (the text and format can be edited directly on screen by right clicking)

  • No legend

The horizontal axis shows the possible value of the variable, and the vertical axis shows the probability of being greater than or equal to that value.

The following is an example of a more complex cumulative ascending plot:

  • Multiple variables: overlay mode is on (so radio buttons allow selection of multiple variables). Histogram and cumulative plots for the same variable are color-matched.

  • Sliders switched off

  • Edited title (the title can be edited directly on screen by right clicking)

  • Legend included

  • Mean markers added

The horizontal axis shows the possible value of the variables, and the vertical axis shows the probability of being less than or equal to that value.

The variables to be plotted are selected from the list of inputs and outputs in the windows on the left. Selecting more than one simulation will plot all selected variables together for all selected simulations. When a variable’s name is clicked in either the Inputs or Outputs window, the active cell in Excel will move to display the relevant cell in the model for easy verification that the right variable has been chosen.

The format of the plot can be comprehensively adjusted by clicking on the various control buttons in the Cumulative Options tab:

The following editing tabs are available:


