VoseNBoot | Vose Software


See also: The Bootstrap, The non-parametric Bootstrap




Example model

Use the set of VoseNBoot functions to estimate one or more population parameters via the non-parametric Bootstrap method.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the coefficient of variance of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the kurtosis of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the mean of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.



Like it is done in the second stage of the non-parametric Bootstrap method, this function generates random samples from the data, which is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution.

Direction is a TRUE/FALSE switch that when is switched of or omitted, makes the function generate rows of samples from the dataset, an when switched columns of samples are generated.


This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for a certain specified percentile value of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.



This function takes a random sub-set of a series of data with length determined by the array size.

Datarange is the array of data and datainrow is a TRUE/FALSE switch to determine if the data should be looked at in rows or in columns.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the skewness of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.

This function should be used in cases where one is interested in more than one statistic at the same time.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the standard deviation of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.



This function generates values for the non-parametric Bootstrap distribution of uncertainty for the variance of a population given that one has observed random values from the population.

Data is an array of random values drawn from the population distribution. It must include at least two different values.

