Presenting results | Vose Software

Presenting results

See also: Preparing a risk analysis report, Explaining a models assumptions, Graphical descriptions of model outputs


A risk analysis model, however carefully crafted, is of no value unless its results are understandable, useful, believable, and tailored to the problem in hand. This section looks at various techniques to help the analyst achieve these goals.

In addition to writing comprehensive risk analysis reports, it can be useful for the risk analyst to run short courses for senior management that explain:

  • how to manage a risk assessment (time and resources required, typical sequence of activities, etc.);

  • how to ensure that a risk assessment is being performed properly;

  • what a risk assessment can and cannot do;

  • what outputs one can ask for and

  • how to interpret, present and communicate a risk assessment and its results.

This type of training eases the introduction of risk analysis into an organization. There are many organizations where the engineers, analysts, scientists etc have embraced risk analysis, trained themselves and acquired the right tools and then fail to push the extra knowledge up the decision-chain because the decision-makers remain unfamiliar and perhaps intimidated by all this new 'risk analysis stuff'.

If you are intending to present the results of a risk analysis to an unknown audience, consider assuming that the audience knows nothing about risk analysis modelling and explain some basic concepts (like Monte Carlo simulation) at the beginning of the presentation.

